Faciliting Examination Process Via Exam Monitoring System


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Faciliting Examination Process Via Exam Monitoring System

This paper presents an Android application aimed to ease the task of Chief Invigilators and fellow invigilators during an examination conduct in a university environment. The Chief Invigilator delegates tasks to fellow invigilators at the examination venue before the start of the examination including collecting attendance slips and monitoring for candidates’ misconducts. After the examination ends, the invigilators need to ensure all answer scripts are submitted by the attendees of the examination. The Anrid application provides functionalities to facilitate task delegation among invigilators and improve efficiency of post examination tasks such as ensuring correct number of answer scripts are collected based on the right number of candidates. Faciliting Examination Process Via Exam Monitoring System

Software Requirements: –

Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script

Android Emulator
Android SDK – adt-bundle-windows-x86
IDE: Eclipse Mars


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