Supermarket Billing System Mobile Application


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Supermarket Billing System Mobile Application

Invoicing and billing application for different business purposes helps mainly the service providers and freelancers to manage, send professional invoices online, and track its status. Generally, all the small companies facing a various issues for managing and tracking the invoice status of customers, which mostly back to the lacks of adapting new technology in these companies. The difficulty of managing invoices arises from the great care that is needed in order to make payments in a timely, accurate manner, and to keep proper records of everything. When trying to keep track of payments that need to be made to a number of different service providers, it can become difficult to maintain an organized database and to ensure that new information corresponds to earlier payments. Supermarket Billing System Mobile ApplicationIt’s very easy to accessing admin process.


Software Requirements: –

Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script

Android Emulator
Android SDK – adt-bundle-windows-x86
IDE: Eclipse Mars


E-business (also referred to as Web-based management systems) is defined as a new context for business where a large amount of information and services describe the ecommerce practices in different business organizations (Welsh, Wanberg, Brown, & Simmering, 2003). This kind of service obtains a better representation of information based on deploying different web tools and techniques for certain purposes, which could be seen as a blessing: plenty of information readily available just a click away (Tang & McCalla, 2005). Even so, it could equally be seen as an exponentially growing nightmare, in which unstructured information chokes the end users without providing any articulate details about the billing contents. An example of these integrations is data mining, which was used to simplify the existing problems with ebusinesses (Dredze, et al., 2007), which can be understood not just as a collection.

2.1Existing Solution:

  • Its manual process for earlier system.
  • Its more time consume for all process.
  • Need for more resources.
  • There is chance to lose record details.

2.2 Proposed Solution:

  • We can export our complete database.
  • Its user friendly to accessing this system.
  • We can send receipt through email with this system.
  • It’s responsive for user.
  • We can search any category to this invoice details.

3.2 System Features

In the life of the software development, problem analysis provides a base for design and development phase. The problem is analyzed so that sufficient matter is provided to design a new system. Large problems are sub-divided into smaller once to make them understandable and easy for finding solutions. Same in this project all the task are sub-divided and categorized.

System Modules:

  • Register
  • Login
  • Create Invoice
  • Update or delete invoice.
  • Print
  • Analysis


3.3.1 Login Module:

The main activities in the application are the user login page for user. The other modules are followed by this login page. This module records only user and password of the user.

3.3.2 Registration Module:

Another main function of our proposed system is registration, in order to register with the unique application details such as name; password, email, place and time are required.

3.3.3 Create Invoice:

Admin can create invoice details for customers.

3.3.4 Update or Delete invoice:

Admin can only update or delete invoice details.

3.3.5 Print:

Here admin can do print the billing pages.

3.3.6 Analysis:

Admin can analyze the report of date wise and month wise.


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