Online Pharmacy Management System Android App


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Online Pharmacy Management System Android App


The primary point of building up this application is to supply the medications everywhere throughout the nation by only a solitary snap and to diminish the time utilization. Online drug store is an electronic application. The client can post necessity for medication. TUser can buy prescription on the web. Medication is given at your doorstep by the closest partner store. The remedy is required for requesting medication. According to the remedy, the client can look medication and valuable data. This application gives data to day by day utilization of drug. Online Pharmacy Management System Android App This application gives client login to the client. Also, administrator can get the every lapsed prescription data and he can ready to see all requests data of customers.

Software Requirements: –

Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script

Android Emulator
Android SDK – adt-bundle-windows-x86
IDE: Eclipse Mars

Existing System

The client goes to the shop and buys the medication required. So a great deal of time is squandered and the individual gets worn out. On the off chance that he needs to trade the item, by and by he goes to the shop and replaces them. The entire procedure relies upon the physical communications.

Proposed System

The Online Pharmacy is anything but difficult to utilize and arrange. The client chooses the required prescriptions and requests them by a solitary snap. latest android app ideas 2019 Prior to it, the client needs to make a login record and fill every one of the subtleties like name, address, any id no… Etc. The customer can ready to see the status of the medications. The business objective for the application is to give the meds to every one of the general population and administrator will give the provider subtleties.


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