iBeacon is a name for Apple technology standards, which allows Mobile Apps (running on both iOS and Android devices) to listen to signals from beacons in the physical world. Basically, iBeacon technology allows Mobile Apps to understand their position on the micro-local scale, and deliver hyper-contextual content to users based on location. The underlying communication technology is Bluetooth Low Energy or commonly called Bluetooth beacon. Attendance is an activity of data retrieval in order to find out the number of attendance in a course. Every activity that requires information about students will attend attendance. This also happens in the learning process. The usefulness of this attendance happens to students and parties to the teaching and learning process. One of the uses of this attendance system to students is, among other things, in calculating the likelihood that students will take exams and one of the uses of this attendance information to those who are teaching and learning activities, among others, to evaluate students’ satisfaction with a subject and create benchmarks for the future. giving better knowledge. Retrieval of attendance data itself is done manually has many shortcomings, Another disadvantage of manually retrieving data is the loss or damage of existing data.
Another disadvantage is the lack of efficiency and effectiveness in data processing [2]. The use of mobile and web applications is said to be more effective and efficient because of the ease in accessing and retrieving information. In addition, with the addition of IBeacon technology that has location-based features, we can base the attendance process on classrooms and subject schedules on the class, so the information submitted is not only limited to attendance but also information about class schedules and lecturers who teach the course.
A.API The Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of visible code elements provided by a framework or library, and such libraries or frameworks are called API libraries. API libraries are also referred to as API codes [5]. Client Code is an application code that reuses or expands the code elements provided by the API library [5]. API Usage is a way to call the API code, which includes the sequence of calls or invariants [5]. So it can be said that the Library API is called by the code or script provided by the user, in this case, the author of the application by using the methods or procedures that exist in the API Usage. the REST API is based on REST architectural style, which is using text-based JSON message over HTTP transport [6]. Application Programming Interface (API) is defined as interfaces used by the software component to communicate with each other [7]. B.IBeacon iBeacon works with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), also known as Bluetooth 4.0 or intelligent Bluetooth. Through iBeacons, we can identify our position in a shop and it could send us notifications about things that are going to be sold or we are interested in. Besides, we could pay without coming up with the money from the wallet or without using a credit card. So, it could be a possible rival of the Near Field Communication [3].
C.Line Messaging API Messaging API allows data to be sent to your bot’s app server and the LINE Platform. When a user sends a bot you have with a message, a Webhook will be triggered and the LINE Platform sends a request to your Webhook URL. Your server then sends a request to the LINE Platform to respond to user requests. Request sent via HTTPS in JSON format [8].D.Smart Campus A smart campus is similar to the smart city and same solutions can be used in smart campus applications. “Smart campuses are built to benefit the faculty and students, manage the available resources and enhance user experience with proactive services [1]. Smart campus refers to integrating all kinds of application services systems, setting up a wise, intelligent teaching, learning, and living environment, which is suitable for: management, teaching, scientific research, and campus life unity, as well as based on the Internet of things [2]. E.Android Android is a mobile platform developed by OHA “Open Handset Software Alliance”, whose most influential member is Google. It is open-source software, meaning that anyone can download the source code from AOSP (Android Open Source Project) and use or modify it.
Android can be roughly separated into the following major components: Applications, Application Framework, Libraries, Runtime, and Linux Kernel [4]. F.BLE Due to the feature of low energy consumption, it is widely used for IoT services. The specification of the Bluetooth system defines three channels used for BLE Advertisement. This leads to high signal collision rate when there is a large number of BLE devices in a narrow area. As a consequence, the discovery latency for all surrounding BLE devices is extended. Meanwhile, the signal density increases with the increasing of BLE devices which leads to a short delay in capturing a Signal [9]. BLE inherits a majority of the design of classic Bluetooth in terms of the protocol stack, data structure, and working band, while BLE involves several important changes towards a simple short-range radio network [10], [11].