Smart University-Student Information Management System
Abstract – SUSIMS is the most cutting-edge, innovative and robust solution for a university. In existing college datamanagement systems there are plenty of activities which are handled manually. All these activities are paper based which are expensive and time consuming. Various activities are handled by various departments. This leads to major problem in interlinking data and avoiding
duplicates. Hence this becomes very hard and prolonged process for students to access information from management. In the proposed system, a better solution is defined for all these activities which are paperless, cost effective and time saving.
In 21st century with the latest technology the world is moving towards cloud computing. SUSIMS is full-fledged cloud computing based information management system. It covers every minute aspects of a universities work flow and integrates all processes into smartphones with user friendly interface. Smart University-Student Information Management System It includes all major modules like Attendance module, Placement module, Alumni Association module and many more. All modules interrelated and data redundancy is eliminated.
mca final year projects titles with source code
Software Requirements: –
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script
Android Emulator
Android SDK – adt-bundle-windows-x86
IDE: Eclipse Mars
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