Reminder App – Medical , Doctor
This is an Android-based application in which an automatic alarm ringing system is implemented. It focuses on doctor and patient interaction. Patients need not remember their medicine dosage timings as they can set an alarm on their dosage timings.
The alarm can be set for multiple medicines and timings including date, time and medicine description. A notification will be sent to them through email or message inside the system preferably chosen by the patients. They can search doctor disease wise. The patients will get the contact details of doctors as per their availability. Also the users can see different articles related to medical fields and health care tips. The system focuses on easy navigation and good user interface. Reminder App – Medical , Doctor Many such Medical Reminder Systems have been developed where a new hardware is required but in our work we have made an attempt to develop a system which is economical, time-saving and supports medication adherence.
Software Requirements: –
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script
Android Emulator
Android SDK – adt-bundle-windows-x86
IDE: Eclipse Mars
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