Integration Of Google Map In Android Shop Alliance



Integration Of Google Map In Android Shop Alliance

Nowadays, smartphone become very popular over the world. People use it on daily basic to assist their work and activities. Now, it not only as communication tools, but it also has become a tool to help people easier to do their job. In the past, people only use cellphone that has limited function like to call or text other people, but now the function of the cellphone become more advanced like people can buy item from online shop by using the phone. Despite the convenience of online shop, Consumers still preferred physical shop but physical shop has some limitation like hard to find the shop and some time the description of the shop is not clear enough so the customer is confuse. Shop Alliance application will help the consumers to find the recommended shop, the location of the shop and guiding the consumers by following the direction displayed on the map to the physical shop. Integration Of Google Map In Android Shop Alliance The application can display the detail of the shop like the phone number of the shop. The application allows users to rate the shop, finds the shop by category, and set the shop in the application.

Software Requirements: –

Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script

Android Emulator
Android SDK – adt-bundle-windows-x86
IDE: Eclipse Mars


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