Message authentication is one of the most effective ways to thwart unauthorized and corrupted messages from being forwarded in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). For this reason, many message authentication schemes have been developed, based on either symmetric-key cryptosystems or public-key cryptosystems. Most of them, however, have the limitations of high computational and communication overhead in addition to lack of scalability and resilience to node compromise attacks. To address these issues, a polynomial-based scheme was recently introduced. Latest Android & PHP Project Solutions with the good support However, this scheme and its extensions all have the weakness of a built-in threshold determined by the degree of the polynomial: when the number of messages transmitted is larger than this threshold, the adversary can fully recover the polynomial.
In this paper, we propose a scalable authentication scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). While enabling intermediate nodes authentication, our proposed scheme allows any node to transmit an unlimited number of messages without suffering the threshold problem. In addition, our scheme can also provide message source privacy. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that our proposed scheme is more efficient than the polynomial-based approach in terms of computational and communication overhead under comparable security levels while providing message source privacy.
MESSAGE authentication plays a key role in thwarting unauthorized and corrupted messages from being forwarded in networks to save the precious sensor energy. For this reason, many authentication schemes have been proposed in literature to provide message authenticity and integrity verification for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) .These schemes can largely be divided into two categories: public-key based approaches and symmetric-key based approaches. The symmetric-key based approach requires complex key management, lacks of scalability, and is not resilient to large numbers of node compromise attacks since the message sender and the receiver have to share a secret key. The shared key is used by the sender to generate a message authentication code (MAC) for each transmitted message. However, for this method, the authenticity and integrity of the message can only be verified by the node with the shared secret key, which is generally shared by a group of sensor nodes. An intruder can compromise the key by capturing a single sensor node.
In addition, this method does not work in multicast networks. To solve the scalability problem, a secret polynomial based message authentication scheme was introduced in. The idea of this scheme is similar to a threshold secret sharing, where the threshold is determined by the degree of the polynomial. This approach offers information-theoretic security of the shared secret key when the number of messages transmitted is less than the threshold. The intermediate nodes verify the authenticity of the message through a polynomial evaluation. However, when the number of messages transmitted is larger than the threshold, the polynomial can be fully recovered and the system is completely broken. More Help An alternative solution was proposed in to thwart the intruder from recovering the polynomial by computing the coefficients of the polynomial. The idea is to add a random noise, also called a perturbation factor, to the polynomial so that the coefficients of the polynomial cannot be easily solved. However, a recent study shows that the random noise can be completely removed from the polynomial using error-correcting code techniques . For the public-key based approach, each message is transmitted along with the digital signature of the message generated using the sender’s private key. Every intermediate forwarder and the final receiver can authenticate the message using the sender’s public key. One of the limitations of the public-key based scheme is the high computational overhead. The recent progress on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) shows that the public key schemes can be more advantageous in terms of key by capturing a single sensor node. In addition, this method does not work in multicast networks. To solve the scalability problem, a secret polynomial based message authentication scheme was introduced in. The idea of this scheme is similar to a threshold secret sharing, where the threshold is determined by the degree of the polynomial.
This approach offers information-theoretic security of the shared secret key when the number of messages transmitted is less than the threshold. The intermediate nodes verify the authenticity of the message through a polynomial evaluation. However, when the number of messages transmitted is larger than the threshold, the polynomial can be fully recovered and the system is completely broken. An alternative solution was proposed in to thwart the intruder from recovering the polynomial by computing the coefficients of the polynomial. The idea is to add a random noise, also called a perturbation factor, to the polynomial so that the coefficients of the polynomial cannot be easily solved. However, a recent study shows that the random noise can be completely removed from the polynomial using error-correcting code techniques. For the public-key based approach, each message is transmitted along with the digital signature of the message generated using the sender’s private key. Every intermediate forwarder and the final receiver can authenticate the message using the sender’s public key. One of the limitations of the public-key based scheme is the high computational overhead. The recent progress on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) shows that the public key schemes can be more advantageous in terms of computational complexity, memory usage, and security resilience, since public-key based approaches have a simple and clean key management.
In this paper, we propose an unconditionally secure and efficient source anonymous message authentication (SAMA) scheme based on the optimal modified ElGamal signature (MES) scheme on elliptic curves. This MES scheme is secure against adaptive chosen-message attacks in the random oracle model. Our scheme enables the intermediate nodes to authenticate the message so that all corrupted message can be detected and dropped to conserve the sensor power. While achieving compromiseresiliency, flexible-time authentication and source identity protection, our scheme does not have the threshold problem. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that our proposed scheme is more efficient than the polynomial-based algorithms under comparable security levels.
The major contributions of this paper are the following: 1. We develop a source anonymous message authentication code (SAMAC) on elliptic curves that can provide unconditional source anonymity. 2. We offer an efficient hop-by-hop message authentication mechanism for WSNs without the threshold limitation. 3. We devise network implementation criteria on source node privacy protection in WSNs. 4. We propose an efficient key management framework to ensure isolation of the compromised nodes. 5. We provide extensive simulation results under ns-2 and TelosB on multiple security levels. Learn and develop projects with full support To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scheme that provides hop-by-hop node authentication without the threshold limitation, and has performance better than the symmetric-key based schemes.
The distributed nature of our algorithm makes the scheme suitable for decentralized networks. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the terminology and the preliminary that will be used in this paper. Section 3 discusses the related work, with a focus on polynomial-based schemes. Section 4 describes the proposed source anonymous message authentication scheme on elliptic curves. Section 5 discusses the ambiguity set (AS) selection strategies for source privacy. Section 6 describes key management and compromised node detection. Performance analysis and simulation results are provided in Section 7. We conclude in Section 8. through multi-hop communications. We assume there is a security server (SS) that is responsible for generation, storage and distribution of the security parameters among the network.
This server will never be compromised. However, after deployment, the sensor nodes may be captured and compromised by attackers. Once compromised, all information stored in the sensor nodes can be accessed by the attackers. The compromised nodes can be reprogrammed and fully controlled by the attackers. However, the compromised nodes will not be able to create new public keys that can be accepted by the SS and other nodes. Based on the above assumptions, this paper considers two types of attacks launched by the adversaries: Passive attacks. Through passive attacks, the adversaries could eavesdrop on messages transmitted in the network and perform traffic analysis. Active attacks. Active attacks can only be launched from the compromised sensor nodes. Once the sensor nodes are compromised, the adversaries will obtain all the information stored in the compromised nodes, including the security parameters of the compromised nodes. The adversaries can modify the contents of the messages, and inject their own messages.
AUTHOR: M. Albrecht, C. Gentry, S. Halevi, and J. Katz,
PUBLISH: Report 2009/098,, 2009.
We show attacks on several cryptographic schemes that have recently been proposed for achieving various security goals in sensor networks. Roughly speaking, these schemes all use “perturbation polynomials” to add “noise” to polynomial-based systems that oer information- theoretic security, in an attempt to increase the resilience threshold while maintaining eciency. We show that the heuristic security arguments given for these modified schemes do not hold, and that they can be completely broken once we allow even a slight extension of the parameters beyond those achieved by the underlying information-theoretic schemes. Our attacks apply to the key predistribution scheme of Zhang et al. (MobiHoc 2007), the access-control schemes of Subramanian et al. (PerCom 2007), and the authentication schemes of Zhang et al. (INFOCOM 2008).
PUBLISH:, 2013.
In most
cryptographic functions, the key length is an important security parameter.
Both academic and private organizations provide recommendations and
mathematical formulas to approximate the minimum key size requirement for
security. Despite the availability of these publications, choosing an
appropriate key size to protect your system from attacks remains a headache as
you need to read and understand all these papers.
This web site implements mathematical formulas
and summarizes reports from well-known organizations allowing you to quickly
evaluate the minimum security requirements for your system. You can also easily
compare all these techniques and find the appropriate key length for your
desired level of protection. The lengths provided here are designed to resist
mathematic attacks; they do not take algorithmic attacks, hardware flaws, etc.
into account.