In mobile cloud computing, a fundamental application is to outsource the mobile data to external cloud servers for scalable data storage. The outsourced data, however, need to be encrypted due to the privacy and confidentiality concerns of their owner. This results in the distinguished difficulties on the accurate search over the encrypted mobile cloud data.

In this paper, we develop the searchable encryption for multi-keyword ranked search over the storage data. Specifically, by considering the large number of outsourced documents (data) in the cloud, we utilize the relevance score and k-nearest neighbor techniques to develop an efficient multi-keyword search scheme that can return the ranked search results based on the accuracy.

This framework, we leverage an efficient index to further improve the search efficiency, and adopt the blind storage system to conceal access pattern of the search user. Security analysis demonstrates that our scheme can achieve confidentiality of documents and index, trapdoor privacy, trapdoor unlinkability, and concealing access pattern of the search user. Best Android and PHP Projects for the final year college students Finally, using extensive simulations, we show that our proposal can achieve much improved efficiency in terms of search functionality and search time compared with the existing proposals.


Efficient and privacy-preserving multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted mobile cloud data via blind storage system, the EMRS has following design goals:

  • Multi-Keyword Ranked Search: To meet the requirements for practical uses and provide better user experience, the EMRS should not only support multi-keyword search over encrypted mobile cloud data, but also achieve relevance-based result ranking.
  • Search Efficiency: Since the number of the total documents may be very large in a practical situation, the EMRS should achieve sublinear search with better search efficiency.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy Preservation: To prevent the cloud server from learning any additional information about the documents and the index, and to keep search users’ trapdoors secret, the EMRS should cover all the security requirements that we introduced above.


Mobile cloud computing gets rid of the hardware limitation of mobile devices by exploring the scalable and virtualized cloud storage and computing resources, and accordingly is able to provide much more powerful and scalable mobile services to users. In mobile cloud computing, mobile users typically outsource their data to external cloud servers, e.g., iCloud, to enjoy a stable, low-cost and scalable way for data storage and access. However, as outsourced data typically contain sensitive privacy information, such as personal photos, emails, etc., which would lead to severe confidentiality and privacy violations, if without efficient protections. It is therefore necessary to encrypt the sensitive data before outsourcing them to the cloud. The data encryption, however, would result in salient difficulties when other users need to access interested data with search, due to the difficulties of search over encrypted data.

This fundamental issue in mobile cloud computing accordingly motivates an extensive body of research in the recent years on the investigation of searchable encryption technique to achieve efficient searching over outsourced encrypted data. A collection of research works have recently been developed on the topic of multi-keyword search over encrypted data. Propose a symmetric searchable encryption scheme which achieves high efficiency for large databases with modest scarification on security guarantees. Propose a multi-keyword search scheme supporting result ranking by adopting k-nearest neighbors (kNN) technique. Propose a dynamic searchable encryption scheme through blind storage to conceal access pattern of the search user.

In order to meet the practical search requirements, search over encrypted data should support the following three functions.

First, the searchable encryption schemes should support multi-keyword search, and provide the same user experience as searching in Google search with different keywords; single-keyword search is far from satisfactory by only returning very limited and inaccurate search results. Second, to quickly identify most relevant results, the search user would typically prefer cloud servers to sort the returned search results in a relevance-based order ranked by the relevance of the search request to the documents. In addition, showing the ranked search to users can also eliminate the unnecessary network traffic by only sending back the most relevant results from cloud to search users.

Third, as for the search efficiency, since the number of the documents contained in a database could be extraordinarily large, searchable encryption schemes should be efficient to quickly respond to the search requests with minimum delays.

In contrast to the theoretical benefits, most of the existing proposals, however, fail to offer sufficient insights towards the construction of full functioned searchable encryption as described above. As an effort towards the issue, in this paper, we propose an efficient multi-keyword ranked search (EMRS) scheme over encrypted mobile cloud data through blind storage.

Our main contributions can be summarized as follows:

  • We introduce a relevance score in searchable encryption to achieve multi-keyword ranked search over the encrypted mobile cloud data. In addition to that, we construct an efficient index to improve the search efficiency.
  • By modifying the blind storage system in the EMRS, we solve the trapdoor unlinkability problem and conceal access pattern of the search user from the cloud server.
  • We give thorough security analysis to demonstrate that the EMRS can reach a high security level including confidentiality of documents and index, trapdoor privacy, trapdoor unlinkability, and concealing access pattern of the search user. Useful link Moreover, we implement extensive experiments, which show that the EMRS can achieve enhanced efficiency in the terms of functionality and search efficiency compared with existing proposals.




Existing works built various types of secure index and corresponding index-based keyword matching algorithms to improve search efficiency. All these works only support the search of single keyword. Subsequent works extended the search capability to multiple, conjunctive or disjunctive, keywords search. However, they support only exact keyword matching. Misspelled keywords in the query will result in wrong or no matching. Very recently, a few works extended the search capability to approximate keyword matching (also known as fuzzy search). These are all for single keyword search, with a common approach involving expanding the index file by covering possible combinations of keyword misspelling so that a certain degree of spelling error, measured by edit distance, can be tolerated. Although a wild-card approach is adopted to minimize the expansion of the resulting index file, for a l-letter long keyword to tolerate an error up to an edit distance of d, the index has to be expanded times.

Thus, it is not scalable as the storage complexity increases exponentially with the increase of the error tolerance. To support multi-keyword search, the search algorithm will have to run multiple rounds To date, efficient multi-keyword fuzzy search over encrypted data remains a challenging problem. We want to point out that the efforts on search over encrypted data involve not only information retrieval techniques such as advanced data structures used to represent the searchable index, and efficient search algorithms that run over the corresponding data structure, but also the proper design of cryptographic protocols to ensure the security and privacy of the overall system. Although single keyword search and fuzzy search have been implemented separately, a combination of the two does not lead to a secure and efficient single keyword fuzzy search scheme.


The large number of data users and documents in cloud, it is crucial for the search service to allow multi-keyword query and provide result similarity ranking to meet the effective data retrieval need. Check this The searchable encryption focuses on single keyword search or Boolean keyword search, and rarely differentiates the search results.

  • Single-keyword search without ranking
  • Boolean- keyword search without ranking
  • Single-keyword similarity search with ranking


Propose a symmetric searchable encryption scheme which achieves high efficiency for large databases with modest scarification on security guarantees. Propose a multi-keyword search scheme supporting result ranking by adopting k-nearest neighbors (kNN) technique. Propose a dynamic searchable encryption scheme through blind storage to conceal access pattern of the search user.

We propose the detailed EMRS. Since the encrypted documents and index z are both stored in the blind storage system, we would provide the general construction of the blind storage system. Moreover, since the EMRS aims to eliminate the risk of sharing the key that is used to encrypt the documents with all search users and solve the trapdoor unlinkability problem in Naveed’s scheme.

We modify the construction of blind storage and leverage ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) technique in the EMRS. However, specific construction of CP-ABE is out of scope of this paper and we only give a simple indication here. The notations of this paper are shown in Table 1. The EMRS consists of the following phases: System Setup, Construction of Blind Storage, Encrypted Database Setup, Trapdoor Generation, Efficient and Secure Search, and Retrieve Documents from Blind Storage. Visit here


In this paper, we propose an efficient multi-keyword ranked search (EMRS) scheme over encrypted mobile cloud data through blind storage.

Our main contributions can be summarized as follows:

  • We introduce a relevance score in searchable encryption to achieve multi-keyword ranked search over the encrypted mobile cloud data. In addition to that, we construct an efficient index to improve the search efficiency.
  • By modifying the blind storage system in the EMRS, we solve the trapdoor unlinkability problem and conceal access pattern of the search user from the cloud server.
  • We give thorough security analysis to demonstrate that the EMRS can reach a high security level including confidentiality of documents and index, trapdoor privacy, trapdoor unlinkability, and concealing access pattern of the search user. Moreover, we implement extensive experiments, which show that the EMRS can achieve enhanced efficiency in the terms of functionality and search efficiency compared with existing proposals



v    Processor                                 –    Pentium –IV

  • Speed       –    1 GHz
  • RAM       –    256 MB (min)
  • Hard Disk      –   20 GB
  • Floppy Drive       –    44 MB
  • Key Board      –    Standard Windows Keyboard
  • Mouse       –    Two or Three Button Mouse
  • Monitor      –    SVGA


  • Operating System        :           Windows XP or Win7
  • Front End       :           JAVA JDK 1.7
  • Back End :           MYSQL Server
  • Server :           Apache Tomact Server
  • Script :           JSP Script
  • Document :           MS-Office 2007