An Efficient Garbage Management Approach
Abstract—As the population is increasing day by day, the environment should be clean and hygienic. In most of the cities the overflowed garbage bins are creating an unhygienic environment. This will further lead to a rise of different types of diseases. This will degrade the standard of living. To overcome these situations an efficient smart garbage management method has to be developed. In recent decades there is a quick development in the rate of urbanization and therefore there is aneed of economical urban improvement designs. Presently utilizing new age innovation and vital approach, the idea of brilliant urban areas is coming up all around the globe. A brilliant city is inadequate without an efficient waste administration framework. Code Shoppy This paper depicts the utilization of our model of “Smart Dustbin”in dealing with the waste accumulation management. The dustbin itself works as a robot, when it is full on command from authorized person it goes to pre-learned path (for first time user has to guide towards garbage dumping area) and empties itself. An authorized person gives command from Webpage where dustbin status is updated regularly.Keywords—garbage level detection; Google Maps API; Raspberry Pi; ultrasonic sensor; waste management.
In the proposed system, there are two major components that are the smart dustbin and the garbage collecting van. Two ultrasonic sensors are positioned, one on the rim of the dustbin container and the second at the base of the robot facing forward. They are used for garbage level detection and obstacle detection respectively. The flowchart for the proposed system can be represented as shown in figure 2: If the garbage level reaches the threshold, the dustbin moves to its destination from where the van can empty the contents. This path is unique for every dustbin, as the robot has to be trained by the owner once in the beginning and it will remember the same path unless a new path is over written onto the memory. Once the contents of the bin are emptied, the dustbin moves back to its original position. The garbage collecting van can see the locations of all the bins that are to be collected. Dustbins with more than the threshold level of garbage are highlighted as opposed to partially filled bins, which don’t need to be collected. This helps in better time management and fuel efficiency. As depicted in figure 3, it shows two buildings which are using the proposed system. The buildings containing a vent system collects the garbage at position ‘A’. At a particular time before the arrival of garbage van, the garbage level of the dustbin is measured. If the garbage level is above a particular threshold level, it moves to destination ‘B’. The garbage collecting van then gets a notification of the dustbins to becollected on the application built using Google Maps API. Once the dustbin is emptied, it returns back to position ‘A’.
Advantages of the proposed system as shown in figure 4 are it has minimum human intervention. It will lead to a clean and green environment. It will have reduction in fuel consumption of the garbage collecting van asit is already notified about which dustbin is ready to be collected. This all will conclude with the safe disposal of hazardous waste.
IV. EXPERIMENTATION The experimental setup of the smart bin is shown in figure 5. The components used for the model are as described below: A. Raspberry pi zero W: Raspberry pi zero W is a controller board based on ARM. It has a 512MB of RAM and a 1 memory card slot. It comes with 40 GPIO pins. Itcomes with an inbuilt 802.11 b/g/n Wireless LAN.B. Motor: A DC geared motor of 10 rpm 12V. is used inthe proposed system. C. Ultrasonic sensor(HC-SR04): The ultrasonic sensors are used for two purposes. One, to check the level ofgarbage in the dustbin. Second, to detect the obstacles infront of the robot while moving from source to destination and back. D. Motor Driver(L293D):It takes a low current control signal and turns it into a higher current signal to drive the motor and acts as an amplifier.